Thursday, March 19, 2009

Day #4 - Spring Break - Sugar Bush

Today we ventured to a sugar bush that we had not been to before, Proulx Berry Farm and Sugar Bush. (We were trying to think of how many times we had ever been to one, so if we went to one with you, comment back to me and refresh my memory) Overall a great day, although we did have bad timing with all the bus groups and spring camps that were there - made for a very long, slow moving line for the food. Putting that issue aside, we had a great time. The petting zoo, was less than exciting for grown ups, it's never that nice to see a cow with poo all encrusted to it's hind quarters, but the kids loved petting the pony! Next we headed towards the play area and they had 2 very unique, homemade slides that the kids both loved - they were fast and fun! It didn't hurt that to get to one of them you had to walk through a huge puddle, I think that was Devin's favorite part. They had a couple of fenced in mazes, which were just the right size for the kids. We avoided the teepees due to muck overload, but they were still cool to see. We also had a blast in 2 different hay bale areas. They had a large pyramid structure of bales and then they had a barn full of them and a secret tunnel underneath them. Then you had to take the covered wagon out to the food shack, there you could see the steam coming out of the sugar shack and all the tapped trees and of course we had a taste of the maple taffy on a stick. Even though the wait was waaaay too long, the food was worth it, the best pancakes I think I have had at a sugar bush :)

Jasmine's Top 3 list - 1) The mazes, which she was very good at 2) The petting zoo and the pony 3) The slides

Devin's favorite - The tractor that pulled the wagon (of course)

Jay's favorite - Making the taffy on the stick

Mommy's favorite - The kids were sooooo good, not one bad listening incident, no getting upset or frustrated - it was so nice and lots of fun to watch them having fun! I like the use of hay bales the best, totally different than anything else we have ever played on!

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